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Northeast Middle School



Upcoming Events

View the full calendar to see all the events we have happening in the next few weeks and months.

School Announcements

No School - January 20th

A reminder that NEMS and all Bristol Public Schools will be closed on Monday, January 20th, in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  

Mascot Voting

The mascot voting is finished.  The tiger will remain the Northeast mascot.  Thanks to all who voted.

Students Attending Basketball Games

Because games do not start until after 4:00 P.M., students who want to watch the games must go home and come back with an adult.  Students can not stay after school and wait for the games to start and they must be accompanied by an adult when they return. 

A ParentSquare announcement was sent.  It contains all the Bristol Public Schools Spectator Guidelines​.

PTO Winter Dance Donations and Volunteers

The PTO Winter Dance will be held on January 24th from 6-8 P.M.  Students must sign up ahead of time using a form that was shared with them in early December. Parents who wish to volunteer their time to help at the dance or to contribute drinks or snacks for the dance, should use the link below.  Thank you in advance.  

Dance Donations and Volunteers

Beam Signing Contest Update

We are a little over a month into the Sign the Beam contest and we did a bonus raffle today. Each team shared some of their top point getters and we raffled off 4 NEMS sweatshirts at lunch today.  We will have some more raffles in the coming weeks so keep up the good work and keep earning tickets.

Sign the Beam Contest Information
The construction of the new NEMS is ramping up and we will be starting a contest in December where students can earn a chance to sign a beam that will be raised up in the brand new building.  Every week a student has perfect attendance, they will earn a raffle entry.  Every week a student goes without a discipline referral, they will earn a raffle entry.  Every time we catch a student doing something kind, outstanding, or above and beyond, they will earn a raffle entry.  Five students from each team will be chosen by the teachers to sign the beam.  Five students from each team will be chosen via the raffle to sign the beam.  Encore and Reach teachers will each choose two students to sign the beam.  The contest will run from December 2nd through January 24th.  There are some short weeks in which to earn some points.  For example, December 23rd is the only school day that whole week.  January 2nd and 3rd make up a short week and there are two four day weeks when we have off January 6th for Three Kings Day and January 20th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  Hopefully students will set a goal for good attendance, achievement, and character to earn a chance to sign the beam that will be in place for decades, even a century, to come.  

Parent Square

We will continue to utilize ParentSquare for all school-to-home communications again this school year. ParentSquare is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with our district and schools. It provides a safe way for district administrators, school principals, teachers, staff, and parents to send and receive school and class information, share pictures and files, see calendar items, sign-up to volunteer, and schedule parent-teacher conferences all in one centralized place. For even more convenience, please download the ParentSquare app (available for free for iOS and Android devices).